Principle Investigators
Prof. Dr. M. Chekhova (Chekova Research Group)
Prof. Dr. C. Eichler *(Chair of Experimental Physics)
Prof. Dr. S. Götzinger (Sandoghdar Division)
Prof. Dr. M. Hartmann (Chair for Quantum Theory)
Prof. Dr. F. Marquardt (Marquardt Division)
Prof. Dr. R. Nagy (Chair of Electron Devices)
Prof. Dr. K.P. Schmidt (Theoretische Physik 1)
Prof. Dr. M. Vossiek (Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik)
Prof. Dr. H. Weber (Chair of Applied Physics)
Prof. Dr. R. Weigel (Institute for Electronics Engineering)
Prof. Dr. J. von Zanthier (Quantum Optics & Quantum Information)
*Spokesperson of QuMeCo